马来西亚国家石油公司签署马来西亚半岛 CCS 枢纽土地协议

Petronas, through its subsidiary Petronas CCS Solutions Sdn Bhd (PCCSS), signed a land rental agreement with Kuantan Port Consortium Sdn Bhd to progress plans for its Southern Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) hub in Pahang, Malaysia.

The hub, expected to startup by 2029, will play a role in reducing carbon emissions for hard-to-abate industries locally and internationally, the company said in a release this week.

“As Malaysia rallies towards energy transition and net zero carbon emissions, the establishment of a CCS hub is timely to provide a decarbonization solution to industries such as steel, chemical, cement, power generation and petrochemical in Pahang,” said PCCSS chief executive officer, Nora’in Md Salleh.


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